Fire Inspector I.
Upon completion of the course, the class exam and the practical you will meet the requirements for the Office of the State Fire Marshal certification for the State of Illinois. This course is one module of the Basic Fire Prevention Officer certification.
To be certified as Inspector I the student must:
1. Complete the Fire Inspector I Course
2. Complete the Fire Inspector I Practicum: – 5 field inspections and facilitate 1 complaint as per candidate handbook
3. Pass the state examination
4. Be affiliated with a Fire Department
5. Have a minimum of 1 year of Fire Prevention experience.
6. Have an OSFM Portal.
All students must bring/purchase IFSTA Fire Inspection Code Enforcement 8th edition manual to class. This can be purchased through the IFIA office and drop shipped to your location.
Course Information: Duties & Authority, Standards, Codes & Permits, Fire Behavior, Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications, Water Based Systems, Special Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, Means of Egress, Water Supply Distribution Systems, Fire Detection/Alarm Systems, Building Construction/Materials & Structural Systems, Building Construction/Components, Site Access, Plans Review/Field Verification, Fire Hazard Recognition, Haz Mat: Description & ID Methods, Haz Mat: Storing, Handling, Dispensing, Disposing, Inspection Procedures.

Fire Inspector II.
Upon completion of the course, the class exam and the practical you will meet the requirements for the Office of the State Fire Marshal certification for the State of Illinois.
The candidate must also have a minimum of 1 year of Fire Prevention experience.
This course is one module of the Advanced Fire Prevention Officer certification.
To be certified as Inspector II
1. Inspector II Course Completion:– 40 hour module
2. Inspector II Practicum: – 17 learning activities as per candidate handbook
3. Pass the state examination
All students must bring/purchase IFSTA Fire Inspection Code Enforcement 8th edition manual to class and you must bring The Building Code Book officially used by you municipality
Course Information: Construction Types & Occupancy Classifications, Building Construction/Materials & Structural Systems, Building Construction/Components, Orientation, Duties & Authority, Standards, Codes & Permits, Fire Behavior, Water Based Systems, Special Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems, Fire Detection/Alarm Systems, Haz Mat: Description & ID Methods, Haz Mat: Storing, Handling, Dispensing, Disposing, Means of Egress, Plans Review/Field Verification, Inspection Procedures, Water Supply Distribution Systems, Fire Hazard Recognition, Site Access.
Public Fire Life Safety Educator..
This 40 hour class meets the requirements of NFPA 1035 for Fire and Life Safety Educator I. Course content covers the following subject areas: History of Fire Prevention, Fire and Life Safety Education (FLSE) and Injury Prevention, Learning Styles, Methods and Strategies for Effective Teaching, Age Group Characteristics, FLSE Messages, High Risk Populations, Fire Behavior and Fire Prevention Basics for FLSE, Public Relations, Professionalism, Lesson Planning, and Evaluation and Assessment.
Students will be required to complete reading assignments, group work, and a final project
All students must bring/purchase Jones & Bartlett Life Safety Educator 2nd edition manual to class. This can be purchased through the IFIA office and drop shipped to your location.
Course Information:
Historic Fires & The 5 E's, 16 FF Life Safety Initiatives, Human Behavior in Fire, Injury Prevention, Fire Prevention Basics, Learning Styles, Age Group Characteristics, Educational Methods/Strategies Classroom Management, 5 Step Process, High Risk Populations, Fire and Life Safety Messages for Various Age Groups, Scope and Sequence, Things That Work, Fire & Life Safety Messages for Special Circumstances, Safety Campaigns, Fire Department Basics and FLS Educators, Professionalism, PR, Communication.